You’ll see these “Yield to Pedestrians” stencils popping up on sidewalks around the Village. The goal is to remind those riding on the sidewalk to be mindful that pedestrians have the right-of-way on sidewalks and engage in courteous behavior when sharing that space.
The Village received complaints this spring and summer from a few Village residents that people biking on the sidewalks put them in danger. We heard the same feedback at our Pedestrian & Bike Safety Information session and we occasionally receive comments about it on our Facebook page and in-person when we are out and about.
It is not illegal to bike on the village sidewalks. And we totally get why so many people choose to and have to. People love to bike and walk around here. It’s one of the main reasons many of us move here. Yet, our streets are still dominated by speeding, impatient traffic. Even I have to jump on the sidewalk regularly when traffic is not safe for me to be in.
[This is the welcoming shoulder scene on my commute on Monroe Ave next to speeding trucks & SUVs. So, yes, I have to jump on the sidewalk when traffic is heavy.]
The sidewalk, however, is a space where pedestrians have priority. Here’s Village code:
§ 176-24 Precautions for sidewalk use. [Added 1-14-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
A. Pedestrians shall have the right-of-way in the use of sidewalks in the Village of Pittsford.
B. Whenever any person shall operate a bicycle, in-line skates, skateboards, scooter or roller skates upon a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian.
C. No person shall operate a bicycle, in-line skates, skateboards, scooter or roller skates later than 1/2 hour after sunset or earlier than 1/2 hour before sunrise, upon a sidewalk, unless they are equipped with proper safety equipment or reflective lighting devices.D. The operator of a bicycle, in-line skates, skateboards, scooter or roller skates emerging from an alley, walkway, driveway or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching or using the sidewalk.
So the Village decided to test out some reminders on the sidewalks in a dozen high traffic areas to see if it helps reduce some of the conflicts.
It is important to note that we and the Village recognize that the only way to reduce the number of people who bike on the sidewalk is to slow traffic and provide safe bike infrastructure. As we work our way toward that goal, the Village is testing out this custom stencil to remind kids and adults who ride on the sidewalk to be mindful of pedestrians.
Props to Zack and the DPW crew for helping to scout locations and putting them out.
Leave us a comment or ping us on Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you think of think of the stencils.